Update: Mexican Trucking Stalling

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A CNN report says the Mexican trucking program is failing. I am not surprised. My guess is their trucking companies cannot afford the same regulations American companies are choking on right now. I mean how can trucking companies in Mexico, paying $10 to $15 an hour wages (if that), are going to stomach 5 billion dollars of regulation?

There is no way that trucks that require tens of thousands of dollars of repair are going to go through hundreds of inspection stations in the 48 states and pass. Consider that records are electronic and they travel with you. It would become a joke among American truckers about what is the fastest time a Mexican trucking company gets put off the road, if they can even meet basic DOT inspection.

The only way this program has ANY hope of working is

  • if the trucking companies spend a fortune to upgrade their trucks
  • Guarantee the safety of unarmed DOT officers, who, last I checked, have tovisit at least 50% of these trucking companies in Mexico for inspection
  • Must guarantee their is no organized crime or cartel involvement, tampering,or utilization of these trucks for illegal purposes or drug trafficking

My advice to these companies: Buena Suerte  (Good Luck)


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  3. Here is another article on this subject


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